Electric vehicles are becoming more and more popular as more people learn about the benefits of driving electric cars. The transition to electric vehicles is inevitable and it will be sooner than you think. Electric vehicles are the future!
The term “electric vehicle” (EV) refers to any vehicle that uses electricity as its primary source of energy. Electric motors powered them and do not rely on internal combustion engines to work. Technically, all-electric cars sold today are referred to as electric vehicles (EVs), but most people define EVs as battery-powered cars operated solely by electric motors. But have their limitations. The world has a growing need for energy, and we are using up valuable natural resources at an alarming rate. With the continuously increasing number of electric vehicle models on the road, we consider how best to power EVs without destroying our natural environment.
Electric vehicles are equipped with an electric motor that converts stored energy into kinetic energy, powering the car as opposed to using a combustion engine. The source of this energy is typically rechargeable batteries, though some hybrid vehicles use a combination of gasoline and electricity. EVs have been around since the early 19th century when scientist Michael Faraday built the first electric vehicle. While there have been advancements over the years, EVs have yet to gain widespread popularity with consumers. This is large because EVs can be quite expensive upfront, and also because many do not see them as practical for all types of driving circumstances.
We look at what is holding EVs back, where they are available and how to go about buying one. They’re more than just the future—they’re here, now. EVs are a reality that’s quickly becoming more accessible to everyone as battery prices drop, charging becomes more convenient, and public opinion shifts in favour of environmentally friendly transportation options.
Round Corner is optimistic about how electric vehicles will progress in the coming years. We think that for the sake of global climate change and tackling environmental issues, electric vehicles must succeed.

But why should you care about electric vehicles?
Electric vehicles are an increasingly attractive option, due to lower running costs, the expanding choice of models available and intensifying concerns about air quality and climate change.
The e-Mobility is becoming a mind changer, mostly over the young people, moving them, for example, to share vehicles instead of purchasing. Electrification will lead us to a new era, the age in which the vehicles will be connected to others and with the city itself.
Micro mobility takes advantage of the ‘last mile concept. ‘Last mile’ describes the movement of people and goods from a transportation hub to a final destination, generally from outside areas to downtown. The last mile is always the least efficient part, comprising up to 28% of the total cost of moving goods.
Over half of the world’s population now lives in urban areas, and that could climb to around 70% by 2050. Technological opportunities and concerns about the climate crisis are recently changing consumer behaviours.

As the share of miles driven by EVs increases, urban mobility emissions will decrease progressively; electrification combined with a clean energy mix and optimized charging patterns will further reduce emissions, improving air quality and benefiting human health, with a much-decreased ecological footprint.
Electric vehicles are a major part of the future of the automotive industry. They’re cleaner and quieter than gasoline-powered vehicles, and they usually have a smoother ride thanks to their electric motors because electric vehicles can save the world. Here’s how:
Lower greenhouse gas emissions. Electric cars don’t burn gasoline, which means they don’t release greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Less greenhouse gas in the atmosphere means less impact on global warming and its effects on our planet.
Fewer energy demands. Electric cars don’t need oil, which means we could eventually stop drilling for alternative oil sources and reduce our dependence on foreign oil companies. Even transition periods that involve both electric and traditional gas-powered vehicles would have an impact on reducing energy consumption over time.
More renewable energy is available to power our lives. Right now, much of our energy comes from burning fossil fuels like coal or natural gas because those sources can be easily controlled and we have a lot of them stored underground. But we can’t keep burning those sources forever—they’ll run out eventually—and burning them produces pollution that negatively affects our environment.
A global lithium battery shortage will limit electric vehicles and lithium batteries. A better solution is to develop an electric car that doesn’t need a lithium battery. And as battery technology improves, electric vehicles will only get better and more affordable and change the way we think about the future of transportation.
Redesigning the future of the automobile
To accelerate the global adoption of EVs, electrification needs to reach critical mass–China represents the largest opportunity to do that but also faces unique challenges. China is the global leader in electric vehicles, but it’s not just because of its population. The country has a long history of automotive development, and its government has taken steps to encourage the adoption of EVs.
The country has also seen a tremendous increase in manufacturing capacity over the past few years, with many companies moving towards producing their EV components instead of importing them from elsewhere. This has helped to make China a major supplier of parts for automakers around the world, including Tesla and BMW.
The environmental benefits of electric vehicles are clear: Since electric vehicles don’t produce emissions, using them for transportation reduces greenhouse gases and harmful smog in the atmosphere. According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the average electric vehicle produces about half of the carbon dioxide that a gasoline-powered vehicle does. Electric vehicles also have fewer parts than traditional cars, which means less maintenance and less waste overall.
Here at Round Corner, we strongly believe that electric vehicles are the future, and If electricity is generated by renewable sources, it is a completely eco-friendly vehicle with enough investment, innovation, and time, electric vehicles can help reach a better world. Electric vehicles aren’t just a simple mode of transportation, they’re a model for our collective future. The technology is there and well-established, and it’s time to take the next step in replacing fossil fuels with cleaner energy sources. Together, we can change the world—one electric vehicle at a time.
We, all as citizens of planet Earth, need to work together toward creating sustainable solutions so we can continue living on this planet for generations to come!